Doula Services 

Doula Services

Your partner through pregnancy

About Your Doula

As a birth doula, Lisa at Transformational Techniques is committed to supporting you through one of the most transformational experiences of your life. She believes that every birth experience is unique and personal, and she strives to create a safe and nurturing environment for you to bring your baby into the world. She believes that your baby has a perfect plan to enter this world safely and supports baby-led births. Lisa helps her clients advocate for themselves within the healthcare system by offering education about procedures, tests, and support during the intense moments of birth.

During your pregnancy, Lisa will work with you to create a birth plan that aligns with your goals and values. She can help you work through anxieties and fear with positive reframing, support, and coaching. She will provide emotional and physical (optional manual therapy) support throughout your labor and delivery, helping you to stay calm and focused on the birth of your baby. During labor, she offers calm energy and hands-on therapeutic touch when appropriate. Her husband calls her “the queen of comfort” and she lives to make every situation in life more comfortable for anyone involved. Her skills as a manual therapist and knowledge of your body will allow her to find the best ways to support you throughout your birth.

Lisa is trained in a variety of comfort measures, including massage and manual therapy, breathing techniques, imagery, and positioning to help you manage pain and cope with the intensity of labor. She can provide an abundance of resources and referrals that are unique to your journey.

Lisa also provides postpartum doula support to help you adjust to life with your new baby. She can assist with newborn care, light housework, and help you find resources for any challenges you may face during the postpartum period. Lisa’s goal is to provide you with the support and guidance you need to feel empowered and confident during this life changing time.

Lisa loves contributing to creating a safe, comfortable space for your birth story to unfold by taking care of little and big things that simplify the experience for the birthing family. She offers physical support in other ways, from helping organize your belongings during the birth, to aiding in repositioning and bathroom trips to help you feel cared for throughout your story. She goes the “extra mile” to support her clients by assessing their needs before they realize they need them.

She enjoys providing resources and educational materials that bring confidence, connection, and awareness that will fuel your innate power. She helps clients that feel uncertain about their pregnancy, birth, and parenthood journey find confidence through education, support, advocacy, and resources. She uses manual therapy techniques to organize their bodies to provide pain relief, comfort, and manage emotional and physical trauma.

This is your story! Lisa acts like the service staff running an elaborate event flawlessly behind the scenes, but she is magically present when you need her.

A birth doula is a trained professional who provides physical, emotional, and informational support to expectant mothers and their partners during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. Doulas are not medical professionals and do not provide medical care, but rather act as a supportive companion to the birthing person and their partner.

Doulas offer continuous support throughout the entire birthing process, from providing education and assistance in creating a birth plan, to being present during labor and delivery, and even assisting with postpartum care. They can provide comfort measures such as massage, breathing techniques, and positioning, and serve as an advocate for the birthing person’s wishes and needs during intense medical situations. Studies have shown that the presence of a doula can lead to shorter labor, fewer medical interventions, and improved overall satisfaction with the birthing experience.

Studies have shown that having a doula present during birth can result in:

  • Reduced rates of cesarean sections and other interventions
  • Shorter labor
  • Reduced use of pain medication
  • Increased satisfaction with the birth experience
  • Improved breastfeeding outcomes

Lisa is passionate about providing non-judgmental and individualized support to every mother and their family. She will work with you to create a birth plan that aligns with your values and preferences.

Contact her to schedule a free consultation and learn more about how she can support you during this transformational time in your life.